At Eastry Church of England Primary school, we see the teaching of Computing as an integral part of the school curriculum.  We aim to prepare our learners for their future by giving them the opportunities to gain knowledge and develop skills that will equip them for an ever-changing digital world.  Through online safety sessions we equip children with skills, strategies and knowledge that will enable them to reap the benefits of the online world, whilst being able to minimise risk to themselves or others.  Our value of joy is shown when the children use ICT and we have an extensive amount of ICT available to us, from computers and laptops to IPADS.    Our core principal is to ensure children ‘fulfil their full potential as God intended.’




Our aims are to fulfil the requirements of the National Curriculum for computing whilst also providing children with enhanced collaborative learning opportunities.   Our school uses Purple Mash to support this learning.  We believe that technology provides better engagement of pupils, gives easier access to rich content and can support the needs of all our pupils.  Each child can also access their school work at home as a way of extending their Computing learning.  Purple Mash also offers opportunities for children to complete cross curricular work, helping to embed their Computing skills at every opportunity. 



As a school, we have chosen the Purple Mash Computing Scheme of Work from Year 1 to Year 6. The scheme of work supports our teachers in delivering fun and engaging lessons which help to raise standards and allow all pupils to achieve to their full potential.  
In our Fledglings classroom we aim to provide our pupils with a broad, play-based experience of computing in a range of contexts.  Examples are through; role-play, using remote control operated toys/equipment, using recording devices as well as use of the whole school laptops, computer suite and IPADS. 
Our Computing progression model is broken down into three strands that make up the computing curriculum. These are Computer Science, Information Technology and Digital Literacy. Computer Science underlines the knowledge and skills relating to programming, coding, algorithms and computational thinking. Information Technology underlines the knowledge and skills relating to communication, multimedia and data representation and handling. Digital Literacy underlines the knowledge and skills relating to online safety and technology uses all of which are covered weather combined or discreetly.
Using the Purple Mash scheme of work from Year 1-6, ensuring consistency and progression throughout the school.  Computing lessons are taught by our teaching staff, there is also support and CPD for less confident teachers to deliver lessons. Lessons are broken down into weekly units, these are practical and engaging and allow computing lessons to be hands on. Units cover a broad range of computing components such as coding, spreadsheets, Internet and Email, Databases, Communication networks, touch typing, animation.  Online safety is taught 10 minutes at the start of each session using the content from project Evolve.
When teaching computing teachers can follow the children’s interests to ensure their learning is engaging, broad and balanced. Through our Purple Mash subscription our teachers can deliver thematic, cross curricular lessons that also follow children’s interests and provide flexibility. Purple Mash also has an online portal of age-appropriate software, games and activities as well as topic materials and materials to support children’s learning in other subject areas for all key stages.  Computing lessons will also use the Purple Mash software to ‘make music’ using the 2Sequence program, design and make using the 2Animate software and make links with maths through spreadsheets using 2Calculate.
We provide a variety of opportunities for computing learning inside and outside the classroom. Computing and safeguarding go hand in hand and a we provide a huge focus on internet safety. Additional to all pupils studying an online safety weekly through their computing lessons, or when necessary in PSHE lessons, every year we also take part in National Safer Internet Day in February. The Computing co-ordinator alongside class teachers will plan additional internet safety lessons and activities to take part in following a specific yearly theme. Top tips for parents regarding online safety are also covered on our weekly newsletter. 


Our Computing curriculum is planned to demonstrate progression and build on and embed current skills. We focus on progression of knowledge and skills in the different computational components.  Staff are provided with the curriculum framework from the Purple Mash Whole school curriculum, which ensures that children across all key stages are provided with opportunities to achieve end of key stage expectations. This framework includes a clear progression of skills which ensures that children are making progress. Staff can therefore use the progression documents to ensure that any gaps in pupils learning are targeted and filled. Monitoring standards of teaching and learning within Computing is the primary responsibility of the Computing Leader. Monitoring termly enables the subject leader to gain an overview of Computing and ICT teaching and learning throughout the school.  We aim to have children digitally literate at a level suitable for their futures and to be active participants in a digital and modern world.  Digital leaders in KS2 support children (and adults!) in delivering the computing curriculum in a safe, responsible manner.

Computing - Knowledge Organisers - Facts and key knowledge taught in each year group (except EYFS)

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