Learning about Guiseppe Archimboldo (Year 2)
We recreated composite heads in the style of Giuseppe Archimboldo.

The Great Fire of London (Year 2)
In class this term we learned all about the Great Fire of London. We even built our own London out of boxes and set fire to this!

Maasai Jewellery (Year 2)
We hope you enjoying looking at our Maasai Jewellery as much as we enjoyed learning about it!
Creating an African Sunset (Year 2)
This is our African sunset display which we made by mixing colours.
Visit to Dover Museum (Year 1)
We went on our school trip to Dover Museum. We made pirate clay heads, held pirate artifacts and got to see the oldest boat from the Bronze age - it's 3,600 years old!
We had such an amazing day!
Inuit Art (Year 1)
We have been learning all about Inuit art and today we created our own piece of art inspired by them!
First, we had to learn all about primary and secondary colours - we had lots of fun mixing and making the colours!
We then created our penguin inspired Inuit art!
Discovering George Forrest! (Year 1)
We had an unexpected visitor in Koala class (who looked an awful lot like Miss Thomas!)! He couldn't remember who he was or where he was from. The Koala's noticed he had a bag containing maps and photos and had to become detectives to help figure out who he was.
The Koala's discovered that he…

Saving the Baby Penguins in the Ice! (Year 1)
We returned from lunch to find a very special delivery!
We had to free the baby penguins from the ice! We had to use our scientific knowledge to work out the fastest way to free the penguins.
The Koala's were so excited and are already taking good care of their penguins at school!
Could Your Pet Survive in the South Pole (Year 1)
Our big question for this term is: Could your pet live in the South Pole?
We started the week by learning about where the South Pole is. We looked through Atlas' and looked at a globe! We discovered that the South Pole is in Antarctica and that this is where penguins live.
Our Science Experiment with Materials (Year 1)
In Science, the Koala's have been learning about materials.
We did an experiment to see what would happen when certain materials were heated and cooled.
We tried: cheese, chocolate, an ice cube, jelly, wax and bread. Before the experiment began, the Koala's predicted what they thought would…
The Retelling of 'The Gruffalo' (Year 1)
This week we have been learning the story 'The Gruffalo'! The Koala's have loved re-telling it and today we had a trip to the 'theatre' and got to watch groups perform the story! They were all incredible and loved playing their parts.
I am so proud of them all, as they watched respectfully and…