Celebrating NSPCC Numbers Day (Year 6)
Amazing job roles today! Well done everyone!
We have done some great calculating of fractions, decimals, percentages and ratio too using jelly beans!
Visiting Eastry Fire Station (Year 6)
When we visited the fire station, we were lucky enough to experience a spontaneous look around the engine and have the chance to spray the hose! The children were chuffed and said it was the best day!
Lest we Forget - Our Remembrance Day Tribute
Thank you year 6 for representing the school at the village remembrance led by Rev Hillary. She then join us as at the war memorial for a prayer and for us to lay our wreath and cross.
Restart a Heart (Year 6)
So we have ended up having our Restart a Heart workshop this morning. They surprised us being in the area!
The children took part in a fantastic workshop and have learnt the basics of CPR.
We even had plenty of dummies so didn’t even need a teddy in the end!

Brazilian Day (Year 6)
Here are some photos of our themed Brazilian day! We have had fun learning to samba dance, play samba music, make brigideiros (Brazilian truffles), make carnival masks and learn all about where Brazil is located in the world. It was a great day!
Carrie's War - Creating wow! pieces of writing (Year 5)
This term we have been listening to the story of Carrie's War, linked to our WW2 topic.
The children have been working hard on drafting and editing their writing to produce a Wow piece!
Two styles of writing we have focused on are; a diary entry and an informal letter.

Ancient Greece (Year 5)
For our year 5 Ancient Greek topic the children, designed and made a clay vase.

Learning to Play the Trumpet (Year 5)
This year the children have been learning to play the trumpet. A few year 5 children had the opportunity to show off all they have learnt at the 'Bold As' concert. They performed two songs in front of an audiance, with other 100 other children and a real live orchestra.
Boxs2befit (Year 5)
The children in KS2 took part in Box 2 be Fit. It was great fun and kept everyone very active!

Science - Forces (Year 5)
Term two Science - Forces.
To kick-start our new Science topic, the children designed and made air resistant costumes. They thought about how to carry out fair test and raced, recording their times and seeing how successful (air resistant) their costumes were.

Looking at Shadows in Science (Year 5)
Today, in our Science lesson we have been investigating how shadows change throughout the day.