Our School Day

Our School Day
Gates and classrooms open 8.35am
Gates close and registration is taken 8.50am
Playtime for Fledglings (Term 6 only) Year 1 and Year 2 10.00 to 10.15am
Playtime for Years 3 to 6 10.40am to 10.55am
Lunch time 12noon to 1.00pm
Worship  1.10pm to 1.30pm (9.00am to 9.30am on a Friday)
End of the school day 3.25pm


Our School Opening Hours

Registraton is at 8.50am School Day Ends at 3.25pm Total hours in school each week 32hours 55minutes
Office opens at 7.30am Office closes at 5.00pm Total hours office open each week 47hours 30minutes


Arriving In School
Children are invited to arrive to school for 8.35am. To encourage independence, we ask parents and carers to say goodbye on the playground and allow your child to enter the class on their own. The kiss and drop of arrangement is introduced when the Fledglings are ready. All children should use the pedestrian entrance on the gun park . Please do not drive your car in to the school or use the main entrance as a turning area as many near misses have occurred. If you hold a blue badge please speak to the school office about special arrangements for parking in the staff car park. If you bring your car to school please spare a thought for our residents and avoid congestion by parking further away and walk with your child.

Registration is at 8.50am and the gate will then be locked. Children arriving late to school after 8.50am should be accompanied to the school office. Lateness causes problems for your child and the school. Being late means that lessons are disrupted and your child often misses important instructions for the day ahead.

Early Morning Club
Early morning club is booked and paid for in advance. The cost is £1.20 a day (no breakfast is provided). Children can arrive after 8.00am via the school office.
Going Home 
At the end of the day parents are welcome to wait in the playground for their child. Children are brought to the playground by their teacher. Please make sure your child and their teacher knows who will be collecting them at the end of the school day. If your child is allowed to walk home on their own please provide written consent. 
After School Clubs
We run a number of after school clubs throughout the year and details of these are sent to you each term. Clubs run by school staff are free, but there may be a small fee for those run by outside agencies.