School Digital Leaders

We have two representatives from each KS2 class as our digital leaders.  These children our being trained through childnet to support their peers and those in the local community to use technology in a positive, safe way.  Once trained they will be responsible for delivering worships to children and parents, running a club with the support of the computing co-ordinator and supporting all with enjoying technology in a fun, safe way.
Peer Mentors
Peer mentors  from Years 5 and 6 are recruited and trained to support other children from across the school, especially in the playground, particularly at playtimes and lunchtimes. The children’s work is a clear demonstration of our school’s values in action : joy, welcoming, compassion, respect and perseverance. This support helps with our children’s mental health and wellbeing. It is also an opportunity to build the confidence and social skills of the mentors .  

This is what our digital leaders think about the work they do: 

"We meet once a week and work online doing different tasks, on one of the tasks we found out how to report if we are unhappy when playing online for example when playing Minecraft.  We shared our online safety rules with the school as part of worship and we have started a computer club for infants to support them when using the computers, we began by using Nessy fingers to help with their typing skills"