Remote Education Provision: Information for Parents
Accessing remote education
Question: How will my child be taught remotely and how will my child access
any online remote education you are providing?
In the event of a lockdown google classroom and class dojo will be used with The Year group pages containing different curriculum subject activities ensuring a breadth of curriculum activities. These are presented in the way most appropriate for the age/ability of the year group. They may be presented as work activities for the week or in subject folders.
For short absences parents will be directed to use the national oak academy =, timetable rock stars, arithmagicians and spelling shed. Young children will be set activities via class dojo
Learners in school access the same resources and timetable to ensure continuity for children swapping between home learning and a key worker/vulnerable place.
There are suggested ways in which they can complete each focus through the use of ICT or without.
Question: If my child does not have digital or online access at home,
how will you support them to access remote education?
We recognise that some pupils may not have suitable online access at home. We also appreciate that online learning is not appropriate for all the learners in the school. We take the following approaches to support those pupils to access remote education:
Paper Home Learning packs are available each week that mirror the online learning opportunities. Parents can contact the class teacher by email or contact the school office for these packs that can be picked up from school. In some circumstances, staff from the school will drop these to pupils’ homes.
Teachers will carefully monitor the engagement of pupils with the work set. If the teachers are concerned about the level of engagement, they will contact the parents to ensure there are no problems accessing the digital learning and to offer support.
Engagement and feedback
Question: What are your expectations for my child’s engagement and
the support that we as parents and carers should provide at home?
With the wide variety of learners in our school, engagement in remote learning will look different for different pupils. Class teachers will set learning activities. The teachers are able to be contacted via the class email if parents have any concerns at all about their child’s access to the work set. Alternative tasks will be set, in the way that best suits the child’s needs.
Parents can support the learning in the best way they can by offering encouragement and praise. The children are always encouraged to be as independent as possible, and ‘have a go’ even if they find something tricky.
Parents can mark work too, and answers are provided for work where this is the case.
Parents can email the class teachers if they think their child has worked particularly hard, or independently so the teacher can acknowledge this with the child.
Completed work can be brought into the school office to be marked. Alternatively, parents can take photos, scan and/or email the children’s work for teachers to mark or give feedback on. On class dojo and google classroom teachers can give direct feedback
If teachers are concerned about the engagement of any child in their class with the set tasks, they will contact parents to offer support and advice.
Question? How will you assess my child’s work and progress?
Feedback can take many forms and may not always mean extensive written comments for individual children.
On Google classroom and class dojo written feedback is given to the children for the work that is submitted. Where work is not completed in line with the learning objective the work can be ‘reset’ for completion again with advice from the class teacher. All work submitted via class dojo and google classroom is archived into individual pupil folders to provide a record of the children’s learning. The teacher will contact the parent if there is a concern and this level of communication works both ways.
For work submitted by email, feedback will be given by reply of email. Teachers will provide positive feedback in line with the learning objective and an improvement point (next step) to move the child’s learning forward. All work submitted via email is saved electronically by teachers in individual pupil folders.
Additional support for pupils with particular needs
Question: How will you work with me to help my child who needs
additional support from adults at home to access remote education?
Parents and carers have access to teacher support through email, to ensure the learning tasks are matched to their child’s needs. Parents also have access to the SENCo, who will be able to offer advice specific to the child’s needs. This may be accessing:
- Personalised learning tasks
- Or seeking support from wider agencies