22 Jan

Teddy Bears Picnic (Year 1)

In Term 2, Koala classes question was 'Why are teddy bears so loved?'

For Design and Technology, the Koalas had a teddy bears picnic! They worked hard making sandwiches, jelly and puppets! It was an exciting day and the Koalas had a wonderful time.

14 Jan

Gingerbread People! (Fledglings)

This term we read and acted out the story of the gingerbread man. Then we made, baked and decorated our very own gingerbread people. Just like in the story, our gingerbread people disappeared, so we made traps to catch them. Luckily, they turned up in forest school later in the week!

20 Dec

Elf on the Shelf, his friend and the Ginger Bread Man (Year 5)


I'm sure you will have been kept up to date with the news of our Christmas visitor, but if not, we were joined by a Gingerbread Man this year.

Dave the Elf was nowhere to be seen (after last year's antics) and so, Gingerbread Man came to bring calm to Panda Class.

That lasted for all of…

17 Dec

In English we read 'Beowulf' (Year 5)

Children have been reading the story Beowulf, and were enthralled as our hero Beowulf battled the hideous monster Grendel who had been terrorizing the village for many years. Children acted out the final scenes of Grendel being defeated, before using their inference and prediction skills to act…

25 Oct

Andy Goldsworthy and Our Autumn Inspired Art (Year 1)

In art, we learnt all about Andy Goldsworthy - a sculptor who uses only natural materials. The Koalas then created their own inspired pieces. 

23 Oct

Learning the Trumpet in Year 5

Attached are some pictures of the class with their trumpets. They are being taught by Mrs Gleave, with the support of Bold as Brass. The children are working towards a performance of their trumpets along with a range of other schools.

20 Oct

All about Autumn!! (Year 1)

This term, we learnt all about autumn! We went on an Autumn hunt and learnt about deciduous and evergreen trees. 

15 Oct

Turning Darkness in to Light (Fledglings)

We had fun making a huge piece of artwork with our friends. We turned the darkness (black paper) into light using paints and glitter.


10 Oct

Learning about Onomatopoeia


In English we described an African setting using onomatopoeia for effect. 

10 Oct

Brazilian Day (Year 6)

Here are some photos of our themed Brazilian day! We have had fun learning to samba dance, play samba music, make brigideiros (Brazilian truffles), make carnival masks and learn all about where Brazil is located in the world. It was a great day!


24 Sep

Creating an African Sunset

For our art we mixed paint to create African sunsets.

21 May

Carrie's War - Creating wow! pieces of writing (Year 5)

This term we have been listening to the story of Carrie's War, linked to our WW2 topic. 
The children have been working hard on drafting and editing their writing to produce a Wow piece! 
Two styles of writing we have focused on are; a diary entry and an informal letter.