Fledglings Class have had a very exciting first week back at school! We have been exploring the story of 'Supertato!' We even made our own heroes, complete with personalised superhero capes! Look how amazing they are! The children worked independently on them and showed real 'TRY-ceratops' behavior. They were very determined and kept going, even when the pesky pipecleaners kept bending when they were trying to be added as an arm! 
The trouble is, the Evil Pea showed up one night because when we came into school on Thursday, poor Parsnip was hanging by his legs from the ceiling. It was up to special Fledglings Ivy and Isaac to save the day!
Then we wrote what we thought Supertato would say to the Evil Pea - and WOW did we have some good (and very imaginative) ideas! 
By Friday morning....our Supertatoes HAD GONE! With a nasty note from the Evil Pea (who looks strangely like a brussel sprout...?) 
Stay tuned to find out what happens next week....we are thinking jelly traps and Anna has even suggested Miss Riggs camp at school all weekend to keep an eye out....!