I'm sure you will have been kept up to date with the news of our Christmas visitor, but if not, we were joined by a Gingerbread Man this year.

Dave the Elf was nowhere to be seen (after last year's antics) and so, Gingerbread Man came to bring calm to Panda Class.

That lasted for all of 20 minutes though. The next thing we knew was that Gingerbreadimus Maximus The Third (for that is his name) had got into all sorts of scrapes.

There was Gingerbread man on a fan...
Gingerbread man in a can...
Gingerbread man in a pan...
Gingerbread Man under a pan...
Gingerbread man under a flan (in a pan)...
Gingerbread man in a van...

And also: Gingerbread Man with a plan! He had to find out who was carrying out these terrible deeds.

Then. Who should appear, but Dave the Elf!!! And he wasn't alone.

Oh no! He had brought Elfy McElfFace with him. There were now two of them causing issues in Panda Class.

Gingerbread Man had to come up with a plan to send them back to where they came from. The children helped of course. They solved the clues, and then compiled a list of instructions about the most creative way to send the naughty scamps back to the North Pole!

Elves and Gingerbread Man last seen exiting the school with their bags packed.

Next year, I hope it'll be quieter...

Although somehow I doubt it!