16 Dec

Viking History (Year 5)

This term the children have been learning about Viking history. They have gained a lot of knowledge on how Vikings lived, travelled, their Gods and Viking women (question your child, see what they have learnt). We were also observing and drawing different geometrical patterns, to then design and…

15 Dec

Descriptive Writing of Christmas Scenes (Year 2)

This week we have been practising our descriptive writing when describing these Christmas scenes.

10 Dec

Sawing Wood to make Snowmen (Year 6)

Year 6 used some of our Forest School tools to cut wood and make Snowman for Christmas Decorations.

10 Dec

Survival of the Fittest at Forest School (Year 6)

Survival of the Fittest at Forest School in the rain with super resilient year 6!!

10 Dec

Making Our Dioramas (Year 4)

This week the children began their work on their 3D dioramas of the polar regions. They have been busy sketching and planning all the bits they need to make a 3D landscape with moving parts.

10 Dec

Getting in the Christmas Mood! (Fledglings)

We've been getting in the Christmas mood in Fledglings Class this week! First we performed 'The Bossy King'...a resounding success even if we do say so ourselves! 
The Christmas Balloon Fairy is leaving us little clues everyday to guess where the chocolate coins are hidden for our advent treat…

8 Dec

A visit from Father Christmas! (Fledglings)

A very special guest came to our classroom this morning! He reminded us to leave him a mince pie and a carrot for his reindeer on Christmas Eve! He said to leave a glass of milk too, although I always think it’s nice to have a wine option! 

The Fledglings were sooo happy with their books! Such…

7 Dec

Our Christingle (Year 4)

We celebrated Christingle today. Although we couldn't all go to the church together it was lovely to celebrate this with the rest of Year 4.

6 Dec

Making Sandwiches for our Teddy Bear Picnic

We made our sandwiches for our picnic. Once again, the Koala's worked so hard and I've never had the classroom as quiet as it was once they were eating their sandwiches haha!
Koala quotes: 'This is the best sandwich I've ever had'
'How can I save this last bite for the rest of my life'
