21 Oct

Science in Term 1 - Living Things (Year 2)

In science we have been learning about living things and their habitats, we created food chains.

17 Oct

Who Made the World (Year 2)

Our big question in RE was Who made the world, we discussed the creation story and why it is important to rest.

9 Sep

Making at Sunset (Year 2)

We mixed red and yellow to make orange and created a sunset. We then added silhouettes of African animals!

27 May

Learning about plants (Year 1)

The Koala's have been learning about plants in Science. As we have been reading 'Jack and the Jelly Beanstalk', we decided to grow our own beanstalks - and even investigated if a jelly bean would actually grow into a beanstalk. 
We learnt that beans need light and water to grow (but not too much…

20 May

Moving Pictures (Year 1)

Year 1 made their own moving pictures! We created levers for Jack to climb the beanstalk and for the Giant to protect the castle. We even hid the golden hen behind a flap. 

30 Mar

Colour Mixing (Year 1)

In art, we learnt about primary and secondary colours. We practised colour mixing! The Koala's loved seeing what colours they could create using the primary colours.

29 Mar

How Animals Keep Warm in Antarctica (Year 1)

We wanted to know and find out how penguins keep warm in Antarctica. We discovered that penguins have blubber to help keep them warm. We did a science experiment using ice water and lard to test it! We had to put our hand in the ice water to see how long we could last with it - not very long! Then…

29 Mar

Forest School - Term 4 (2022)

Our Forest School learning this term.


7 Feb

The Three Little Pigs (Year 1)

This term, we have been learning the story of 'The Three Little Pigs'. We have acted out the story, created a hinge to trap the wolf and tested which material would make the best roof for the little pigs house. We also looked at Native American wolf masks and created our own! 

19 Jan

What do buildings need? (Year 1)

Our question for this term is 'What do buildings need?'. We had a builder come to Koala class and we were able to ask questions, as well as see how all the tools work.

6 Dec

Making Sandwiches for our Teddy Bear Picnic

We made our sandwiches for our picnic. Once again, the Koala's worked so hard and I've never had the classroom as quiet as it was once they were eating their sandwiches haha!
Koala quotes: 'This is the best sandwich I've ever had'
'How can I save this last bite for the rest of my life'


6 Dec

Making Puppets (Year 1)

We started our morning off today by making our teddy bear puppets! The Koala's worked so hard on these