Our School Day

Children are invited to arrive to school between 8.35am to 8.50am. To encourage independence, please say goodbye on the playground and allow your child to enter the class on their own. This kiss and drop off arrangement will be introduced when Reception children are ready. All children should use the pedestrian entrance on the Gun Park. 

The bell rings at 8.50am, the pedestrian gate is locked and registration is taken. Children arriving after 8.50am must be accompanied by their parents/carers and enter via the school office.

We also offer an Early Morning Club from 8.00am to 8.35am. The cost if £1.20 per morning and we ask that children have breakfast before arriving. Places are booked and paid for in advance by calling the school office or emailing office@eastry.kent.sch.uk


Opening & Closing Times

The school is open from 8.35am to 3.25pm (34 hours 10 minutes per week)
The School day runs from 8.50am to 3.25pm (32 hours 55 minutes per week)
The school office is open from 8.00am to 4.00pm (40 hours per week)


Gates Open 8.35 am 15 minutes
Morning Session 8.50 am -12.00 noon 2 hours 55 minutes (excluding break)
Break times  
Reception, Year 1 & 2 10.00 – 10.15am 15 minutes
Year 3 to 6 10.40 – 10.55am 15 minutes
Lunchtime 12.00 - 1.00pm 1 hour
Afternoon Session 1.00 – 3.25 pm 2 hours 25 minutes