Perce Blackborow and his ship Endurance (Year 4)
For our English this week, we acted out the discovery of Perce Blackborow on the ship, the Endurance. Considered too young, Perce was banned from joining the crew, however, he decided to take matters into his own hands and stowed away on the ship under a huge pile of clothes and rags until the…
Science - Forces (Year 5)
Term two Science - Forces.
To kick-start our new Science topic, the children designed and made air resistant costumes. They thought about how to carry out fair test and raced, recording their times and seeing how successful (air resistant) their costumes were.
Amazing Sculptures (Year 1)
Yesterday we made our sculptures inspired by Andy Goldsworthy! Andy Goldsworthy creates sculptures using natural materials. The Koalas planned their design and chose what natural materials they were going to use. They all worked so hard and created some beautiful sculptures
Maasai Jewellery (Year 2)
We hope you enjoying looking at our Maasai Jewellery as much as we enjoyed learning about it!
The Gruffalo! (Year 1)
This week we have become authors, writing our own Gruffalo story! We had to create a new monster and describe it - we’ve learnt all about adjectives
Superhero Day (Year 3)
What a wonderful Superhero and villain day. The children looked amazing in their costumes- thank you for supporting them in this! We spent the morning taking part in challenges to see if we had certain super powers including test of strength, agility, accuracy, courage and brain power and then…
Forest School Fun! (Fledglings)
Cooking, digging, balancing and climbing as well as leaf rubbing and making magic wands… Forest School was sooooooooooo busy today.
Looking at Shadows in Science (Year 5)
Today, in our Science lesson we have been investigating how shadows change throughout the day.
Alternative Sports Day (Year 3)
What a fabulous day, I’m sure that you will hear all about it. Just a few piccies.
Alternative Sports Day (Year 5)
Today, along with Year 3, 4 & 6, we took part in our first alternative Sports Day. We were able to try Fencing, Skateboarding, Laser Tag and Archery. We had amazing fun and some may be wanting a skateboard for Christmas now!
Forest School in Term1 (Year 3)
A lovely time a forest school this afternoon. What perfect weather! It was great to see them all so settled in their various activities.
{gallery:Forest School in Term 1 (Year 3)