31 Jan

Layers of the Earth (Year 3)

We used play dough to create each layer of the earth! When we cut our world open, we could see the inner core, outer core and mantle.


28 Jan

Victims of Pompeii (Year 3)

We have used clay to create our very own models of the victims of Pompeii.

26 Jan

Paper Mache Volcanoes (Year 3)

We worked collaboratively today to create our very own paper mache volcanoes!
We are looking forward to painting them next week

3 Dec

Iron Man (Year 3)

Today, we worked collaboratively to make our very own Iron Man. We are very proud of our work!

2 Dec

Jesse Tree (Year 3)

We worked collaboratively today to create our very own Jesse tree. We learnt that this tree has all the stories leading up to the north of Jesus.

21 Oct

Heroes and Villians Day (Year 3)

We have had a great day today, showing learning powers of resilience and collaboration.
We took part in superhero/villain camp where we took part in tests of agility, bravery, strength, accuracy and brain power!
Then we learnt how to respond as a real life hero in a real life emergency, what to…

15 Oct

Inspire Day - International Day against Homelessness (Year 3)

This afternoon, we have had our INSPIRE session of learning.
We learnt all about homelessness with an emphasis on refugees,
We read the book, Four feet, two sandals’ and created our own thoughts and feelings through art.

4 Oct

Visit to The History Project (Year 3)

Year 3 visited The History Project in Deal today. The learned all about Caesars invasion of our coast to support their learning about the Romans this term.

1 Apr

Forest School at Easter (Year 2)

Here is a selection of photos to show our forest school fun! There was a mysterious note left outside our classroom... we then decorated our eggs and built special nests. Then came the hard decision, would the children keep the egg at home or leave them in their forest school nests?

18 Mar

Dragons chalk eye (Year 2)

Today we used chalk to create our dragon's eyes.  I hope you like our display.

16 Mar

Designing and Making Dragons (Year 2)

This afternoon we designed and made dragons eyes!  Take a look at our creations!

12 Mar

A Guide to Spotting Dragons (Year 2)

After finding our dragons we then created A guide to spotting dragons

Can you spot

A heading?



Exciting sentences?


So next time you go on dragon hunt remember to use our guides!