Thank you from Forest School
Thank you to Fox Tyres for sourcing and delivering old used tyres for Forest School and to Mark Jones Tree surgeons for sourcing, chopping and delivering more than 30 log seats - some of the tyres and seats are pictured here, the others are being placed on the second forest school site we are…
Greek Pottery (Year 5)
During term 3 we have been learning both at home and in school. While in school we have been joined by some of the year 6 children. Together we have enjoyed learning about Ancient Greece and how the Ancient Greeks have influenced the modern Western World.
The children explored Greek pottery…
Manipulatives in Maths (Year 5)
During maths we have been using manipulatives to help identify patterns with number.
The manipulatives such as base-10 and place value counters have supported the children in understanding how to divide and multiply by 10, 100 and 1000.
English - Dictionaries and Thesauruses (Year 5)
To support the children’s understanding of language the children have enjoyed using dictionaries and thesauruses. They have explored a range of short stories and text this term, some linked to our topic of Ancient Greece. For reading lessons the children are always eager to have a turn at reading…

Celebrating Children's Well-being Week
In Fledglings, to celebrate Children's well-being week, we did our Happy Smell bag! (Also featuring a fairy and a cheeky monkey!)

Making Healthy Jelly - (in Year 1)
In year 1, we have been learning all about how people celebrate. We decided to make our own healthy jelly to have as party food. We chose and cut up our fruit and mixed the jelly! We wrote our own instructions so our friends would be able to make our wonderful, wobbly jelly! It tasted…

Stickmen (in Fledglings)
STICKMAN - “we’re going on a stick hunt!”
Wow, what a busy day! We listened to the story of stickman this morning and talked about all the different things poor old stickman ended up being! Then we went and found sticks of our very own. We were only aloud to choose one stick which was extremely…

Anti-bullying Week - (in Year 3)
Last week was anti-bullying week and as part of our PHSE lesson we created some anti-bullying posters.

Creation and Science - Conflict or Complimentary - (in Year 6)
In Year 6 we have been learning about creation. We have been thinking about how the scientist and Christians believe this was created and the differences between the two.

Invaders! - (in Year 5)
In Year 5 we have been learning about the Vikings and how they invaded the country. We created some Viking ships using different techniques to create the sky, sea and ship giving our pictures and 3D effect.

Shackleton's Journey - (in Year 4)
In Year 3 we have been looking at the story of Shackleton's Journey across the Antartic. We made a feature outside out classroom to display our work.

What would your promise be to make the world a better place? - (in Year 3)
In Year 3 we have been looking at what God did to make the world a better place and thinking about what we could do to make the world a better place. We created a display board for our ideas.