What Christians believe God is like - (in Year 1)
In Year 1 we have been thinking about what Christians think God looks like. We wrote our ideas on some doves and created a display for our corridor.

What God looks Like - (in Fledglings)
In Fledglings we have been thinking about what God looks like and have created a display with some of our ideas.
Science Experiment 'Teeth' - (in Year 2)
10 days ago the tooth fairy kindly let us have 2 teeth for our experiment!
We put 1 tooth in cherry coke and 1 tooth in water
Ask your child what has happened!!
Learning about Florence Nightingale (in Year 2)
As part of our history we wrote facts on Florence Nightingale and made lamps.
Look at Alliteration (in Year 2)
In Year 2 we have been looking at alliteration in our English, we then created our own alliteration name display.
Metal Detecting Experience with The History Project (in Year 4)
Year 4 took part in a Medal Detecting Experience with The History Project. Watch video footage of their day here:
Visit to Broadstairs (in Year 2)
Children had fun on the beach as they visited Broadstairs this week. They were able to fish in the rock pools, build stand castles and even enjoy an ice cream.