Rock Pooling at Samphire Hoe
The loveliest day with the most fabulous rock pool investigators. You were such fun and great company lovely fledglings
Learning about Setting Description (Year 4)
We have been working in groups to come up with ideas for a setting description for Alice in Wonderland. We thought about all of the different things we could, see, taste, smell, hear and touch and then worked with our team to add them to flipchart. This helped us generate ideas for writing our…
Electrical Circuits (Year 4)
We have been investigating how electrical circuits work and how we should draw them.
We looked at all of the components that we would need for a circuit, and then tried them in different orders to see if we could make the bulb light up - with varied success!
Children were extremely sensible…

Learning about Guiseppe Archimboldo (Year 2)
We recreated composite heads in the style of Giuseppe Archimboldo.

Ancient Greece (Year 5)
For our year 5 Ancient Greek topic the children, designed and made a clay vase.

The Great Fire of London (Year 2)
In class this term we learned all about the Great Fire of London. We even built our own London out of boxes and set fire to this!

Learning to Play the Trumpet (Year 5)
This year the children have been learning to play the trumpet. A few year 5 children had the opportunity to show off all they have learnt at the 'Bold As' concert. They performed two songs in front of an audiance, with other 100 other children and a real live orchestra.

Making Eastry Cleaner! (Fledglings)
Here are year R - inspired by one of our class who has been litter picking in the village and by a story called 'The Tin Forest' about a place full of all the things nobody wanted. We decided to try and make Eastry an even cleaner and more pleasant place to be, by litter picking in the Gun Park…

Celebrating World Book Day (Year 1)
In term 4, we also celebrated world book day. The Koalas all looked amazing in their costumes!

Creating Inuit Pieces (Year1)
In art, we created some Inuit inspired pieces. We could only use primary colours, so we had to learn about colour mixing.

The Arrival of Penguins - but they were stuck in ice! (Year 1)
Term 4 started with the arrival of some very special visitors - penguins! But they were trapped in the ice! The koalas had to be collaborative crocodiles to free their penguins.

Learning about Maps in Georgraphy (Year 1)
In Geography, we were learning about our local area. We went for a walk along the high street and when we got back to the classroom, we created our own maps. We made sure it included symbols and a key!