Learning About Healthy Eating (Year2)
This morning we completed our healthy living learning by making appealing fruit salads, can you spot palm trees and a beach? Or maybe a smiling banana!
Elf on the Shelf, his friend and the Ginger Bread Man (Year 5)
I'm sure you will have been kept up to date with the news of our Christmas visitor, but if not, we were joined by a Gingerbread Man this year.
Dave the Elf was nowhere to be seen (after last year's antics) and so, Gingerbread Man came to bring calm to Panda Class.
That lasted for all of…
Flying Kites on a Windy Afternoon (Year 2)
A windy afternoon, but perfect for making and flying our home made kites.
In English we read 'Beowulf' (Year 5)
Children have been reading the story Beowulf, and were enthralled as our hero Beowulf battled the hideous monster Grendel who had been terrorizing the village for many years. Children acted out the final scenes of Grendel being defeated, before using their inference and prediction skills to act…
Year 1 Having Chilly Fun in Forest School
Chilly but lovely forest school with some great games and playing from the koalas…

Fun in Forest School (Year 1)
Chilly but lovely forest school with some great games and playing from the koalas…
Cooking and Making the Number 4 at Forest School (Fledglings)
Forest school fun ..mud painting, climbing, pulling our friends, cooking and making number four as well as finding a slugs ‘nest’ under a log seat.
Fun in Forest School (Fledglings)
Forest school fun ..mud painting, climbing, pulling our friends, cooking and making number four as well as finding a slugs ‘nest’ under a log seat.

Writing to Father Christmas (Fledglings)
Christmas magic in Fledglings today as we put our letters to Santa in envelopes, stuck an address and a stamp on, sprinkled in some Christmas
Lest we Forget - Our Remembrance Day Tribute
Thank you year 6 for representing the school at the village remembrance led by Rev Hillary. She then join us as at the war memorial for a prayer and for us to lay our wreath and cross.

Teddy Bear's Picnic at Forest School (Year 1)
Today we stumbled across a teddy bears picnic….but they were not being safe around the fire. So, we showed them how to be safe round the fire and they showed us how to be very quiet round the fire. Then in forest school, we began learning how to light our own fires